Monday, April 13, 2009

Challenge 1 - Weigh in 11th April - Andrew

Well hello there!

Firstly, my compliments to Dara on his artistic work on the blog, I especially love the before/after pictures at the top of the screen AND his most recent pictures look awesome, way to go buddy!

It's been a funny week, I've been pushing harder with the cardio, pushing up the intensity and getting a good sweat going. I usually do resistance training twice a week , Mondays and Fridays but as the gym was closed for the long weekend (Thursday - Monday), I didn't get any done on Friday and won't get any done today. So I'll make up for it tomorrow, with a nice long workout, hit the gym around 6 and finish up around 8pm.

Sadly, I appear to have hit my own plateau in terms of weight loss but I'm not discouraged. I know that after being sick I was weak getting back into the gym and I wonder if there was a little muscle loss during the few weeks that I was unwell. On the brighter side of things I bought a brand spanking new pair of jeans last week and they were a little tight around the waist, today I tried them on for the laugh and they're much looser so it's all good!

So, here's the stats for this week, very little in terms of actual weight loss but as Dara and I know the scales can be deceptive, as muscle is denser than fat, if you're building up muscle and losing fat the net result can be 0 weight loss. Perhaps it's time to start utilising other body measurements until this plateau has been broken. It also means that I'll revisit my workouts, determine what areas I can improve/increase and take a good look at diet as well to see where I can improve. So, with a little luck and some hard work I hope to have better results next week!

Weight: 153.3 kg /24.09 stone /337.3 lbs

So there's little actual weight loss as mentioned but my jeans and other clothes are looser and, at the end of the day, while your weight is useful for a little bit of feedback, it's not the be all and end all of things! I found it quite funny to receive an email from a friend in London during the week (titled "Hello you skinny mofo!") who noticed my most recent photo and when you compare it to my pictures from Michigan in July, where he last saw me, there is one hell of a difference. So, best foot forward as usual, will start keeping a food diary again and we'll see how we get on.

Until next week!


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