Monday, April 27, 2009

12 Months in the making - Before & After

Good Evening,
this is just a special post for I wanted to put up. Yesterday was 26th of April 2009. Exactly 1 year since the photo Christian took of me which is in my before photos, the one which horrified me when I saw it. Well, as a form of retribution for that day, I wanted to take another photo on the same date 1 year on, again taken by Christian, taken in the exact same spot. This is the photo below, and the smile on my face says it all. I was weighing 17stone (probably a bit more) in 1st photo on left, and I weighed in at 14st 11lbs one year later :)

This is comparisson has given me a boost. I still have some weight to get rid of still, but feel great with progress so far! :) yay me!

Details of challenge 2 coming soon!!


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